Quotes van collega’s uit recente opdrachten

“Its a real pleasure to work with John, as a Product Owner for Cloud at Athlon International he guided the team in their journey to a more agile and proficient way of working. Always calm, to the point and focused on results, he was able to organize things in a way, that allowed the team(members) to fully explore, utilize and grow their potential whilst he didn’t have in-depth Cloud expertise, he made sure he was always up-to-speed on current affairs. Hope our paths may cross again sometime.”

“John is a reliable and straightforward person who wants to deliver according to agreed expectations. John can deliver a convincing message. His process minded side ensures he’s always thoughtful about what to deliver and what will be the effect on future deliveries. Shortly after we started our cloud journey at Athlon, John joined the team as Service Owner cloud. Together we made the switch to a scrum way of working and John opted for the role of Product Owner in which he has grown significantly. Just before the team starts the next journey as an Enabling team for the Athlon SAFe ARTs we part. The end of an era. Thanks!”

“Als IT Service Manager heeft John de rol van (ITIL) procesmanager vervult en bijgedragen aan de inrichting van Service Management en IT Governance in een internationale omgeving waarbij de infrastructuur werd geoutsourced en de IT organisatie naar een Agile model werd gemigreerd. John is een gedegen persoon, is zeer deskundige en werkt gestructureerd. John heeft diverse service management (ITIL) processen in samenwerking met de outsourcing partner ontworpen en globaal afgestemd, als procesmanager het access management proces gemanaged en verbeterd. Tevens adviserend geweest voor de inrichting van IT Governance. John is een team player die zelfstandig werkt. Daarnaast ook gewoon een fijne collega. Kortom, een professional!”